Tag Archives: coconut oil

Coconut Baking and “Coconut Flour Hour”

COCONUT Dessert Recipes:  Coconut Oil Baking and Recipes


Hey everyone.  How’s it going with you?  Jan Ashby here.


Well, today I’ll touch on some “coconut oil” topics, and also some related stuff –

Okay, but first I’d like to say that I am proud I have made some changes to my diet.  My dad was southern, so I grew up with fried chicken, spaghetti, chili, chess pie (and other “southern style” pies).

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Here’s What Real Healthy People Actually Snack On


Hi.  Jan Ashby here.  This post is “just for fun” – sort of an FYI type of post.  Some of these healthy snacks aren’t half bad .. take, for instance, #6 — Banana Nut Toast.    banana-Snacks

This consists of sprouted wheat bread, almond butter, peanut butter, honey, slices of banana, & a sprinkle of cinnamon..

Or #12 “Loaded Sweet Potato” – I love both these and yams, and the thing is it has a lot of Potassium & antioxidants.  Good for ya.

Continue reading Here’s What Real Healthy People Actually Snack On

How to Make Coconut Milk: Versatile and Healthy

Coconut Water vs. Coconut Milk


Coconut milk and coconut water are not the same.  While Coconut water is very healthy for you, it is mainly the milk that is used in thai recipes, curry recipes, and in baking.  Coconut oil is also used for baking, and is versatile enough to be used in sauteing, too.

Further into this post, I give the instructions for producing your own coconut water or milk.  Stay tuned for that.

Continue reading How to Make Coconut Milk: Versatile and Healthy

Getting Healthy with Coconut Oil: Strive for Awareness of Your Body

6ntroduction: What to Look for While Shopping Online Coconut Baking Author

Be forewarned that not all Coconut oils are the same. You should get educated as to the different manufacturing processes, so that you can select the type of coconut oil that is right for your purpose.

For instance, if you are health conscious and want to make improvements to your diet - such as baking with more healthful oils, then you'd probably be interested in virgin coconut oil. Either that or organic coconut oil.

Continue reading Getting Healthy with Coconut Oil: Strive for Awareness of Your Body